Privacy Policy

We value how important your data privacy is to you, and we take that seriously.

In this policy, we will highlight and explain What information we collect, the reasoning for this collection of data, and how we make use of the data collected.

It is important to know that your user information is stored securely, and that we will NEVER SHARE it with anyone. Your preferences can be changed by you at any time as you may feel necessary.

We are the administrators of our website and online store at, and all social media accounts connected to our site, Any current, or future mobile applications are, and will be administered by us. These social media and mobile applications may collect information that will enable us to provide, and improve on our services to you our user.

The information collected may be information that can identify you, but would not be sensitive information, and through this policy our objective is to help you better understand the terms and conditions which govern the collection of, and use of the information collected.

Our website, (hereinafter referred to as “The/Our Website”) is hosted on a secure server by our hosting provider. Should we, for any reason in the future find it necessary to change service providers we will ensure that such hosting provider is on / has a secure server to maintain integrity of all data.

Any reference to Website / Platform will refer to or related applications or affiliated websites / applications.


Herbs on the hill, situated in the Upper Highway area of Drummond, Ethekweni, in Kwazulu-Natal South Africa,  are suppliers of quality Fresh produce and Artisan produce grown by ourselves, local community growers, farmers, and from the Municipal produce markets. We also supply a variety of additional food products such as Meats, Confectionary, Bakery, Preserves, Dairy in differing categories. Traditionally, Herbs on the hill supplied to the Restaurant, catering and Hospitality industry. This has expanded to include the private household by means of a door to door delivery service. is a website and online store to showcase our business “offerings”, service, quality, pricing, and to serve as a platform to order our products. Through this platform we are to communicate with our users, along with other Applications any specials, or incentives such as Vouchers and/or redeemable coupons from time to time.


Why do we collect information?

Information collected is used for marketing and research purposes for the use of Herbs on the hill (Pty) Ltd only. This information is used to improve the quality, services offered by Herbs on the hill to the/our User/s. Your information will NEVER be used/given to any third party for any purpose other than for the direct purpose of analyzing such information for the furthering of the interests of Herbs on the hill (Pty) Ltd and you the User. Should we at anytime feel the necessity to make use of a third party for the reason as stated above, your express permission would first be requested and required.

What information would we collect?

Personal Data: When registering on our store, to receive news updates/letters, emails, attend events certain personal information is requested such as your name, physical residential / work address, email address, contact numbers and if required your organizational affiliation details.

This information is/may be required in order for us to provide you with the service we offered or you requested. Your information will be kept until such time as you request to unsubscribe from any mailing list, or close your account should you have one. In the event you have opened an account on any of our platforms and there has been inactivity for a period of one year on that account, your account will automatically be closed and your information removed.

You can unsubscribe / opt out from receiving emails by either clicking on the unsubscribe button in the email, or by emailing  

Internet related information (Non-personally identifiable information)

No personal information is collected from just browsing our Website. The information that will be provided (as with browsing any website) would be your IP address (Internet Protocol), any files you may download from the website, dates / times of visits and interactions on the website. We may also collect information such as your browser type, operating system.

In obtaining the above information, we are able to assess the geographical reach / interaction and the operating systems in order to improve our website functionality and marketing functions. This information is treated with strict confidentiality, and, as with your personal information is never shared with any third party other than for the purposes of Marketing for Herbs on the hill (Pty) Ltd.

Social media Information: Should you share any information / content on or from any of our social media platforms, we may track the information / content shared to improve our social media outreach footprint.

When will we use your information?

  1. For use by Herbs on the hill for research and marketing as outlined above;
  2. We will share personal data with third parties in exception circumstance (with your consent) where required. As an example: attending an event, social media marketing campaign.
  3. Engaging the services of external service providers on our behalf to administer, analyze, develop our website and social media platforms.
  4. If required by law enforcement for any reason with court authorization, legal process.
  5. Protect the rights, property or safety of our website, Users and the general public.

When will your information NOT BE USED?

  1. Your information will NEVER be used by any third party for any purpose of direct marketing consumer analytical information gathering, or surveys for any other company/business (Other than for Herbs on the hill purposes outlined above).
  2. Without your consent should the information be required.
  3. Were your interests/fundamental rights would be overridden.

What can you expect from us with regard to your personal information?

  1. That we will not store any of your personal data on any of your devices (phone, computer, I-Pad). All information we may store will be stored on secure servers.
  2. Where you make use of a password to access any part of our platforms, it is your responsibility to keep same confidential.
  3. We will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that your information is treated securely in terms of our privacy policy. All data transferred/ transmitted to and from any application is encrypted.
  4. To obtain your consent to process your personal information, and to give you the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  5. To provide you with a copy of any information we have about you on request.

Should you have any further questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, you can email same to: