
Microgreens/Microherbs are young vegetables that are grown to between the sprout and baby leaf vegetable stage. They are packed with flavor, aroma, colour, visual appeal, nutrients and varied textures, bringing bursts of flavor into any dish.

Microgreens bring in a variety of tastes from spicy, bitter, sour to neutral. The flavours are strong and concentrated dependent on the variety.

The nutritional value of microgreens is generally considered to be far higher than that of the mature plant/counterpart and can be as much as 9 times higher dependent on the variety. In some studies, it was found that the antioxidant properties were up to 40 times higher than recorder for mature leaves.

Microgreens deliver a concentrated dose of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. As a result, they may reduce the risk of certain diseases and can easily be incorporated into your diet in the form of salads, toppings,, smoothies or garnish.

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