Cauliflower – Purple


High in nutritional value. The purple colour brings life and flavour into any dish.


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Whole Head.

Cauliflower contains many nutrients,  high in fiber, antioxidants, aids in weight loss, and a low carb alternative to grains and legumes.

Cauliflower is delicious any way you cook it, with its mellow flavour it acts like a canvas for aromatics and spices. It pairs well with salty elements like anchovies, olives and capers, as well as rich, smoky bacon and speck. Cauliflower also plays nicely with cream, butter, eggs, and nuts, or mashed as an alternative to mash potatoes.

For people with Thyroid problems, it is best to avoid cauliflower as it may block the thyroid’s ability to utilize iodine, which is essential for normal thyroid function.

The purple color brings a completely different dimension to any dish. When cooking, it is best to quickly blanch or flash fry as the purple colour is inclined to “leach” out of the vegetable,


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