Chicken Fillets


Fresh, ethically raised birds – fillet portions.


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Deboned fillets charged per kg.

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Country Road Chicken (average package weight 0.48Kg). Pack of 4 deboned fillets.

Chicken is the most popular of the poultry family in cuisines from around the world.

Whether as a whole bird, pieces or fillets, roasted, stewed, curried, in pies, salads, fried, grilled or put on a braai. The applications are endless, with many cook books dedicated just to dishes using / incorporating this protein.

Our Free-range chickens are ethically raised. Fed on non-gmo, non factory processed feed. They are not given any hormone enhances to speed up growth and bulk up size. Our Free range chickens are not given any antibiotics unless required for a bird being ill. Any bird that has been given any form of antibiotic will not be slaughtered until such time as the antibiotic has had time to work out the birds system.

Our free range chickens are in fact free range and are placed into shelters at night to protect them against predators.

Product Variations

Non Free Range P/kg, Free range P/kg


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