Jerusalem Artichoke


This hidden gem as a potato replacements has a sweet, nutty, smoked flavor.


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One of the favorites, the Jerusalem artichoke, also called sun root, sun choke, or earth apple, is a species of the sunflower.

The tuber contains about 2% protein, no oil, and little starch. Jerusalem artichokes have an underlying sweet taste because of the fructose, which is about one and a half times as sweet as sucrose.

The tubers are used for cooking and baking in the same ways as potatoes, but unlike the potato they can also be eaten raw. They have a similar consistency, and in their raw form have a similar texture, but a sweeter, nuttier, smoked flavour. When raw and sliced thinly, they are fit for a salad.

They have a tendency to become soft and mushy if boiled, but they retain their texture better when steamed. In a roast, it absorbs the flavours well. Jerusalem Artichokes make an incredible creamed soup. As this makes for a very rich dish, it is best served as a small side dish.

The inulin in the Jerusalem Artichoke cannot be broken down by the human digestive system but it is metabolized by bacteria in the colon. This can cause flatulence and, in some cases, gastric pain.

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